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Welcome to the guide on Averages

Please note this topic is a big differentiator in getting a high score

This is an introductory where you will learn about the definition of, finding, and real world examples of the mean, median, and mode of a data set. There are no prerequisites for this course, as it is mostly about adding and subtracting!

What is a mean?

Definition: “In this form, the mean refers to an intermediate value between a discrete set of numbers, namely, the sum of all values in the data set, divided by the total number of values.” - here


Finding the mean



What is a median?

Definition: “a value that divides a data sample, population, or probability distribution into two halves.
Finding the median essentially involves finding the value in a data sample that has a physical
location between the rest of the numbers.” - here

Finding the median



  • Khan Academy (Guided Practice)

  • Worksheet (This is a drill of the basic concepts. Do not spend too much time if you are getting all the questions right)


What is the mode?

Definition: “the value in a data set that has the highest number of recurrences. It is possible for a data set to be multimodal, meaning that it has more than one mode.” - here


Finding the mode



  • Worksheet (This is a drill of the basic concepts. Do not spend too much time if you are getting all the questions right)  

Putting it all together

Now check if you are battle-ready by answering the following questions:


p2tj averages.png



To look at the answers, click here

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